Monday, September 21, 2015

Response to the Letter assignment

The letter assignment's goal was to get the letters of your first and last name, maybe middle name if needed the characters and post it on your blog. However each letter had to be a different image and font. To do so you needed to find an image and put that image into Photoshop and carve out the letter you needed, you had to do this for each letter. Once you have all the letters you then need to create a table to make the letters appear in a neat line. This project wasn't to difficult the most trouble I experienced was the table, but that was quick fix.

 I haven't learned to much on Photoshop since I have previously used it in the past. For this assignment I only really used the eraser tool. However i know a few good shortcuts since you will make a mistake. If you press ctrl z, you will undo the last thing u did, but if you need to undo more you can press ctrl alt z to undo more. Also, if you would like to edit your image you can press ctrl t. Other shortcuts are ctrl d, ctrl thumbnail and shift ctrl I.

In the past years in info tech we have used Blogger many times, that includes creating a table and coping and pasting into the HTML section. We also posted many blogs so this isn't really that new. Blogger is a very easy to use website and is very user friendly.